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2012年7月1日 星期日



On September 5th I was sitting on a train and noticed that all those on the train were also seated. They were all shepherds and each one had a special seat assignment. Their seats were assigned by the Holy Spirit and they knew what they were called to do. As the train was traveling I asked the Conductor “what is this train?” He said it was the GLORY TRAIN and He gave me a capsule. 

It was a TIME CAPSULE and it was shaped like an egg. It had new life in it!  It had the beginning and end of time in it. For time was created for man, not man for time. I asked the Conductor “when can I open this egg and when will this train arrive?” He said the time was within the egg. And the egg will be opened in 2012. 

So we need to keep sitting in the seat that He has given us. Sitting speaks of rest so we need to rest in what He’s called us to be. I knew a few of the people that were seated on the train with me but there were far more that I didn’t know. So we are all going in the same direction and we’ll see the glory train come in the next 3 years.   

The time capsule has the WISDOM OF THE AGES in it; from the beginning to the new beginning. We’re coming to the end of the old in 3 yrs and the birthing of the new and the glory of God falling upon the churches.


 *The original prophetic words was announced in the year of 2009 on The Prophetic Ministry of Bob and Bonnie Jones

